The SoCo is the Application Committee of STORM, or 'Sollicitatie Commissie' in Dutch. The SoCo is created at the beginning of each school year, and its goal is the creation of a candidate board. The SoCo consists of two members of the current board of STORM, and two members of the current VC of STORM, where the VC members guide the board members in search for a new candidate board.
The SoCo makes sure that members know about the search for a candidate board, what a board year entails for a member, what positions on the board are currently active, and what these positions entail.
A member becomes an applicant for the candidate board when they send their Curriculum Vitae and application letter to the SoCo's mail.
The SoCo then invites the applicant for an interview to discuss their application to the candidate board.
The SoCo informs the GA of the process of creating the candidate board after the application deadline has ended. Once the candidate board has been created, the SoCo announces its creation to the members. The members have a two-week period to sign a protest to this candidate board. After this two weeks grace period, the candidate board is official and the SoCo is abolished.