Study Association STORM

Study Association STORM

Disclaimer: the information below is correct as of December 2022. With things changing all the time, content may differ.

Who are we?

We are the study association for Mathematics, Computer Science, and AI Bachelors and Masters students. As a study association, it is our number one priority to create a fun and friendly community for our fellow students, allowing you to meet with people like you, make new friends and seize opportunities for your future career! Since all the studies we represent are in English, our association is fully international, welcoming students from around the world. 

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So...why should I join?

We are not only a fun place to be but also a place to find future career opportunities. We have events every single week, alternating between borrels (a social drink) and activities that range from sports activities to playing games. We have 16 committees that organize various things at STORM, so keep your eye out on the events and news happening! Apart from the fun things, we also organize in-house days at companies in Amsterdam, and companies often host talks at STORM! We have a yearly Career Fair, where you can talk to these companies face-to-face as well. You also get to, of course, hang out in our lovely common room called the StoKa, participate in the Discord server and get a discount on your textbooks. All this and more for only €15 for your entire study! And free for master's students!

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Great! How do I join?

You can fill out the following sign-up form. Links to an external site. Once you have filled out the form, you will see a link to pay for the membership. If you do not have a Dutch bank account, you can email us at or visit us in our board room (StuKa) to figure out an alternative method of payment. Once you have filled out the form and paid for your membership, you are officially a member of STORM!

Are you a first year in AI or CS?

"Starting your first year in AI or CS? VU’s Mentor Program for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence is here to support your transition to university life in Amsterdam. The program offers a range of free social events, study sessions, and exam preparations, all designed to help you thrive academically and socially. Whether you’re looking to meet new people or need guidance with your studies, Mentor’s Program offers a welcoming community to ensure a smooth and successful start. Join via Links to an external site. and make the most of your first year!"

Where to find us

Our socials

Extra information