
The Board of STORM consists of three to seven enthusiastic members who work daily to make this association as enjoyable as possible. There are various functions within the board that range from Chair(wo)man to Treasurer to General Member. These roles all have their own specific tasks and other daily tasks, such as desk duty are divided among the board members.

If you have any questions about your studies, feel free to contact the board at:

Each year a new board is elected. Are you interested? Then ask a current board member, VC member or send an email to


Current Board:


From left to right:

  • Myrthe Dijk, General Board Member
  • Annalise Fishell, Commissioner of Internal Relations
  • Debby Bouma, Secretary
  • Cosmin Balmos, Chairman
  • Kasparas Giniotis, Treasurer
  • Filip Muntean, Commissioner of External Relations
  • Martynas Rimkevicus, Vice-Chairman