Copy content from another course

You can copy course content such as modules, pages, and discussions from previous Canvas courses into existing courses. For this, you need to have access to both courses (the "source" and the "target" course). 

There are two possible ways to copy content:

1. Via Direct Share

If you want to copy specific content from one of your courses to another course, you can use Direct Share.

Direct Share lets you select a specific page, assignment, quiz or discussion and copies it to another course.

Here you can find an instruction on how to copy a page to another course using Direct Share Links to an external site.. This works identical for assignments, quizzes or discussions.

Note: If you share assignments that include external tools (i.e. FeedbackFruits), the settings of the external tool assignment will not be shared,

2. Via Importing course content

If you want to copy a whole course or multiple content items at the same time, you can use Importing course content. A full guide on exporting/importing content can be found here Links to an external site..

Selecting content during import
After you have exported a course's content, you can choose which content you want to import, and which you do not. To do so:

  • Go to your course's Settings, click Import
  • Choose Canvas course export package and Select specific content:
    selecting content to import
  • Click Import, select the course export, and when it is done loading, choose Select Content:

  • You can check your selection here and please note:
    • In the Syllabus page of each course, a link to that year’s entry in the Study guide website will be created automatically. To prevent overwriting this when importing content from a different course, please de-select the Syllabus page.
    • If you copy assignments that include external tools (i.e. FeedbackFruits), the settings of the external tool assignment will not be copied, To solve this for FeedbackFruits assignments you can choose 'use copy of existing' Links to an external site., to copy assignment settings of a previous FeedbackFruits assignment.

    • Please be careful when importing courses more than once: you might overwrite changes in the new course.
  • After you checked the boxes click Select content:

    selecting content to import