Media Toolkit: Checklist
When working on a video project, you can refine your results endlessly and spend a lot of time on improving details. To prevent this, you should be aware that your audience is mainly focused on your message. It is sometimes helpful to show your nearly finished video to somebody, without saying anything about the details you think need improvement.
If you make the video as part of an assignment, you can use the assessment rubric as a checklist for your video. An example of an assessment rubric is on this page: { link to assessment rubric in didactical toolkit }
A checklist for all stages in the production:
- Did you look at the assessment form?
- Did you look at the Media Toolkit?
- Are all roles in the team assigned and clear to all members?
- Did you make a script and / or a storyboard?
- Did you make a recording plan?
- Did you settle on the video editing software you will use?
- Did you bring all required clothing and attributes?
- Did you bring and charge batteries of all equipment you will use?
- Did you plan enough time for multiple retakes of each scene?
- At the end of the recording session, do you have all footage you need?
Post production
- Did you cut and composite all scenes correctly?
- Does the result comply with the assessment form in the assignment?
- Did you evaluate the products with your project group before submitting into the designated place at the assignment?